Короткие новогодние пожелания на английском языке

Пожелания на Английском Языке в стихах

A New Years toast to love and laughter
and happily ever after
A health to you,
A wealth to you,
And the best that life can give to you.


Best wishes for the holidays and for
prosperity throughout the coming year

Пожелания на Английском Языке в прозе

I wish you a merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. May all your dreams and wishes come true during these miraculous days!


Best wishes for a joyful Christmas season and a very happy New Year from Petrov family!

Прикольные новогодние пожелания на Английском Языке

Here's wishing you more happiness
Than all my words can tell,
Not just alone for New Years Eve
But for all the year as well.
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