Короткие пожелания на Новый год на английском

Пожелания на Английском в стихах

I promise to be very, very good.
I promise to do the things I should.
I promise to make my bed each day.
I promise to put my things away.
I promise not to throw my socks on the floor.
I promise to put my socks in the drawer.
I promise to do my homework right.
I promise not to stay up late at night.
I promise to listen to my mom and dad.
I promise not to do anything bad.


New Year's Day
Last night, while we were fast asleep,
The old year went away.

I promise to be very, very good.
I promise to do the things I should.
I promise to make my bed each day.
I promise to put my things away.
I promise not to throw my socks on the floor.
I promise to put my socks in the drawer.
I promise to do my homework right.
I promise not to stay up late at night.
I promise to listen to my mom and dad.
I promise not to do anything bad.


New Year's Day
Last night, while we were fast asleep,
The old year went away.
It can't come back again because
A new one's come to stay.


Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

Пожелания на Английском в прозе

Christmas greetings and best wishes for the New Year! Let the coming year bring you only positive emotions and expectations!


With all my heart I wish you many happy at this day! Let all your dreams came true, like a hopes and expectations in your life. I wish you to have good health, strength to resist difficulties, big success in all your deals and great happiness! Thank you for your being in my life! Happy New Year!


I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day!

Прикольные новогодние пожелания на Английском

It's Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, it's merry, merry Christmas,
it's time for hanging stockings,
It's time for riding sleighs,
It's time for jolly greeting,
Snow and holly, overeating,
Oh, I love you merry Christmas,
You're the best of holidays
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